Grizzly Trader

Closeout Wholesaler

Welcome to Grizzly Trader, the solution to your excess food and beverage products. Our lead buyer has years of expertise as a closeout specialist, helping companies maximize the value of their short-coded grocery inventory. As a food liquidator, we buy inventory and distribute it through alternative channels at lightning speed, ensuring your brand's reputation remains intact.

Experience the Quality of Grizzly Trader

We understand the importance of maintaining your brand image and customer relationships. We operate discreetly, ensuring your grocery closeout products are only distributed through trusted secondary channels.

Stock Smarter, Save Bigger.

Sell with Confidence

Provide us with an address and release number, and we'll handle the rest. We are liquidation buyers, not brokers. Our established relationships with alternative outlets enable us to offer quick, take-all orders for your grocery closeout inventory.

Warehouse & Mailing Address:

345 Hill Road, Unit F, Robesonia, PA 19551


Email Only